
4530605221_4530606921  นาย สุรวิทย์ ประพิณทิพย์ และ นาย สุรพล ประดิษฐ์เทา (25/6/2545 (11:26:30))
(SM=1, CM=5, ST=5, KY=2, TR=18:00)

Mini-Quiz : Q1=1,Q2=1,Q3=2,Q4=1,Q5=4  (4.0 คะแนน)

ได้ 4 คะแนน
Source Code
 *   2110101 Computer Programming
 *   Lab #1 : Edit+Compile+Launch
 *   Author :
 *   Date   : 21/06/2545
import jlab.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class Mandelbrot extends Applet implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {

  private int curWidth, curHeight;
  private Image imageBuffer = null;
  private Graphics gBuffer;
  private Cursor cursorWait, cursorCross;
  private boolean isDragging, enableMouse, redraw;
  private double xs = -2.0, xe = 1.0;
  private double ys = -1.5, ye = 1.5;
  private int ixs, ixe, iys, iye;

  //  add your code here
  private void drawMandelbrot(Graphics g) {
     // displat boundary
     curWidth = getSize ().width;
     curHeight = getSize().height;
     System.out.println ("(" + xs + "," + xe + "),(" + ys + "," + ye + ")");
     double tx0, tx, ty, r;
     double dx = (xe-xs) / curWidth;
     double dy = (ye-ys) / curHeight;
     int n, px, py;
     float curColor, prevColor = 0.0f;

     enableMouse = false;
     setCursor (cursorWait);
     for (double y = ys; y <= ye; y += dy) {
       for (double x = xs; x <= xe; x += dx) {
         n = 0;
         tx = ty = 0.0;
         do {
           tx0 = tx * tx - ty * ty;
           ty = 2 * tx * ty + y;
           tx = tx0 + x;
         } while (tx0 < 4.0 && ++ n < 256);
         curColor = n / 256.0f;
         if (curColor != prevColor) {
           gBuffer.setColor(Color.getHSBColor(curColor, 0.8f, (1.0f - curColor * curColor)));
           prevColor = curColor;
         px = (int)((x - xs) / dx);
         py = (int)((y - ys) / dy);
         gBuffer.drawLine(px, py, px + 1, py);
         g.drawLine(px, py, px + 1, py);
    enableMouse = true;

  public void paint(Graphics g) {

  public void update(Graphics g) {
    int newWidth = getSize().width;
    int newHeight = getSize().height;
    if (redraw) {
      redraw = false;
    } else if (imageBuffer == null || newWidth != curWidth || newHeight != curHeight) {
      imageBuffer = createImage(newWidth, newHeight);
      gBuffer = imageBuffer.getGraphics();
    g.drawImage(imageBuffer, 0, 0, this);
    if (isDragging) {
      if (ixs < ixe) {
        if (iys < iye) g.drawRect(ixs, iys, (ixe - ixs), (iye - iys));
        else g.drawRect(ixs, iye, (ixe - ixs), (iys - iye));
      } else {
        if (iys < iye) g.drawRect(ixe, iys, (ixs - ixe), (iye - iys));
        else g.drawRect(ixe, iye, (ixs - ixe), (iys - iye));

  public void init() {
    cursorWait = new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR);
    cursorCross = new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR);
  public void start() {
    isDragging = false;
    redraw = false;
  public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
    if (enableMouse) {
      ixs = e.getX();
      iys = e.getY();
  public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
    int tmp;
    if (enableMouse) {
      ixe = e.getX();
      iye = e.getY();
      if (ixs > ixe) {
        tmp = ixs; ixs = ixe; ixe = tmp;
      if (iys > iye) {
        tmp = iys; iys = iye; iye = tmp;
      isDragging = false;
      // redraw the set
      double dx = (xe-xs) / curWidth;
      double dy = (ye-ys) / curHeight;
      double tx = xs, ty = ys;
      int idx = ixe - ixs;
      int idy = iye - iys;
      // ignore if the selected region is too small
      if (idx > 10 || idy > 10) {
        if (idx > idy)
          iye = iys + idx;
          ixe = ixs + idy;
        xs = tx + ixs * dx;
        xe = tx + ixe * dx;
        ys = ty + iys * dy;
        ye = ty + iye * dy;
        redraw = true;
  public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
    if (enableMouse) {
      ixe = e.getX();
      iye = e.getY();
      isDragging = true;

  public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}
  public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}
  public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {}
  public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {}

  // main method
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String title = "JLab : Mandelbrot";
    // set up window frame
    Frame frame = new Frame(title);
    frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    Applet myApp = new Mandelbrot();
    frame.add(myApp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    frame.setSize(200, 200);
    try {JLabIO.setWindowAlwaysOnTop(title); } catch (Error e) {}